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Custard Creams {recipe}

I'm baking this weekend, something I haven't done in a while. I used to find it hard to resist, but now I can bake and walk away.

Custard creams have always been a hit with the pickles and with the lemons at their peak again, I have to find ways of using them up....this recipe only uses one...but that's one less than I had falling off the trees.

This is a very simple recipe and I wouldn't worry about how long they'll keep for...cos they'll be gone as soon as you serve them.


I'm making a Mars Bar Cheesecake today as well, so I hope to have that recipe on here by Monday.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Yum Marns they look fantastic!

  2. Just perfect Marnie. One of my faves! Did somebody say Mars Cheesecake? How can you be so strong and not eat it? Send me some of your willpower? LOL

    Anne xx

    1. It was hard to resist....but I always lick the bowl (there's no calories there)
      x Marnie

  3. Replies
    1. let me know how they turn out, Widge.
      x Marnie

  4. They look too irresistible to walk away from! I think I'll being trying out the recipe too :)


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