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Dettol Touch of Foam {product review}

Product Talk by Nuffnang I love to try new products, don't you? If you've ever read my blog before, you'd know that I like to blog...

Wish lists {part one}

Window shopping for you. Wishlist 1 with BeautyBlender, Japonesque, Real Techniques ...

Photos for Etsy (maybe) and new things

Just a quick post today. I've been playing around with photos on the computer and was toying with the idea of an Etsy shop.  Would...

Low Fat Chicken Nuggets

A great one for the whole family. It tastes like the naughty version but without all of the oil and fat. And, it's REAL chicken!!   You'll...

Greek Lamb Roast

Another favourite, following a traditional Greek recipe from Mr3P's.  Simple and delicious. There is no danger of vampires...