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Blogging break

Hi everyone I've just popped in to say I'm having a mini break from the blog. I know some of you message me to see if I'm OK (and...

Personal Planner Winner Announced

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway for a $45 gift card from Personal Planner. The winner is....... Alba. Congrats,...

Back to the Gym & a great offer for January

I'm back to the gym this week...time to work off the Christmas flab. This is a really quick post as I just wanted to share this...

Planning to get organised! (plus a Giveaway)

Want to get organised in 2013? I do. Are you one of those have to write it down, list type, plan it type people? I am. Have...

December Beauty Favourites & NEW YouTube Channel

Well, I finally started a new channel, dedicated to all things "beauty". For years I have worked on many faces from family &...