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Mile High Club

I've joined the mile high club!! No not the one you're thinking of! How rude!!! I recently saw a link for Mile High Peanut Butter...

Boxing Day in the Garden

Here's a few shots of what was going on in the back garden on Boxing Day.(I love macro, can you tell?) The Agapanthus grows...

Merry Christmas

I know I'm late, but I hope you had a very Merry Christmas. As you can see below, Pickle #3 was worn out by 1pm, asleep face first,...

Christmas Yumminess

To make these easy peasy fruit scrolls, I made the dough in my bread machine (using a cinnamon scroll pastry recipe). Then, roll...

Taking it to the next level

The frame for the next level has begun. Still a lot of rain and thunderstorms hanging about, so Mr3P has to stop/start nearly every...




These little fellas were recently dug up by Mr3P. They planted the seeds a few years ago and have had a few harvests since then....

The Great Ocean Road

Overlooking Bells Beach We just did another road trip over the school holidays. this time we travelled the Great Ocean Road, from...